It’s all about cars

For days there’s been the sound of an angry hornets nest in the distance – cars racing around Mt Panorama. When Bertie first heard it as he emerged out of the front door and stood on the path, he had a surprised, “what the -” look on his face. Quite funny. Then it became background noise for all of us. Steve was going to be there today with his trusty cameras but he’s out fighting bushfires. Bushfires ruined his Bathurst 1000 experience last year, too. (See his pics of the 2005 race here.) Karen Golland’s cat was frightened of the helicopters and came running in, “telling” Karen all about it with her expressive miaow. I slept in this morning. The buzzing sound and a headache and not sleeping much last night gave me permission to keep my eyes shut until about 10am. That’s when a pack of lads carrying beers and a Ford flag ambled down Torch Street calling to each other. One (pictured) said to another coming up the rear, “Have you got the chairs?” To which he replied: “Fuck the fucken chairs we’ve got the ground.”

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