
Hi there! My name’s Tracy Sorensen. I’m a writer based in Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia.

Paperback book cover featuring a Rabbit and the text TRACY SORENSEN THE VITALS

The Vitals: My second novel, The Vitals, is out now! It is a cancer memoir from the point of view of the affected abdominal organs. We’re calling it a novel for convenience, but it could also be described as a “cancer memoir with a difference”, or a work of “speculative non-fiction.” I started writing it after I had enrolled in doctoral research at Charles Sturt University in 2015, and continued during my residency at the Charles Perkins Centre at the University of Sydney from December 2019 to December 2020. It is published by Picador/Pan Macmillan and available in Australia and New Zealand as a paperback, audio book and e-Book. Get it here or ask for it at your local bookshop or library!

Links to media coverage of The Vitals

Janine Israel’s piece in The Guardian 25/7/23

The Book Show on ABC Radio National 7/8/23

Peter Craven’s review in The Australian (paywalled) 4/8/23

Radio Skid Row with Col Hesse 14/12/23

Sian Prior picks The Vitals as one of the best Australian books of the 21st century 22/8/24. Scroll down until you see the rabbit.

Book clubs

TS_THE VITALS_reading_group_notes (PDF download)

The Lucky Galah: My first novel, The Lucky Galah, was longlisted for the 2019 Miles Franklin Award. It was shortlisted for the Readings Prize for new Australian fiction and the new writing category in the NSW Premier’s Literary Awards and the Russell Humour Awards. It was also longlisted in the Indie Booksellers awards.

Represented by: I’m represented by the wonderful Jacinta di Mase.

PhD: In March 2023, I submitted my PhD thesis on Handicraft and Storytelling in the Anthropocene to the Faculty of Arts and Education at Charles Sturt University, Bathurst. My supervisors were Dr Lachlan Brown and Dr Margaret Woodward. I had three external examiners; two passed me without alteration and the third gave me a pass with minor alterations. I could start calling myself calling myself Dr Tracy Sorensen from Friday, February 2, 2024. If you’re interested, you can access my full Exegesis as published by the CSU library. Note: only the Exegesis is published this way; the text of the novel is embargoed indefinitely (that is, you’ve got to buy – or listen to – the book!).

Environmental action: I’m a member of Bathurst Community Climate Action Network and the craftivist group, the River Yarners.

OMG WTF. In the morning, I just a person with anaemia; by the afternoon I'd become a fully-fledged member of the Dangerously Ill club, but there was not, as yet, a diagnosis.


Saving myself: My life since 2010 has been rather dominated by the fact that I am a carrier of the BRCA1 gene mutation. This is something I have in common with the actress Angelina Jolie. (Other than that, not much in common.) I was treated for primary peritoneal cancer in 2014. This was followed by 8.5 years’ remission. Just before launching The Vitals in 2023, I was diagnosed with recurrence, and am now in a new round of active treatment.

Other writings: I’m also using this site to store journalism and other writing originally published elsewhere and to keep lists that I update from time to time, like favourite childhood books and an inventory of words used incorrectly by students (don’t worry, I’m not naming anyone) .

Video & documentary: Until I decided to focus on creative writing and my PhD, I was involved in community television, client-based video production, and independent video productions (including home movies!). 

Social media

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tracy-sorensen-517b3815

Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/squawkingalah/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/tracy_sorensen

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/squawkingalah/